The multipath spread will make the signals with high rate, narrow symbol and wide spectrum suffer the influence of frequency selectivity fading and cause ISI between symbols in the transmission to affect seriously the information transmission quality. 而多径扩散现象的存在,会使速率高、码元窄、频谱宽的信号遭受频率选择性衰落的影响,造成传输中的信号码元之间产生码间干扰,严重影响信息传输质量。
Communication range increases, the traffic density increases and improved the proportion of vehicles with communication capabilities will increase the success rate of information transmission. 通信范围的增大、车流密度的增大和具有通信能力车辆比例的提高都会增加信息传递的成功概率。
Therefore, To take appropriate transmission protocol and breaking software procedures to reduce the error rate of information transfer for improving reliable and real-time work of the robot, to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information transmission. 因此可以采用适当的传输协议和中断处理程序来提高机器人工作可靠性和实时性,保证信息传输的准确性、可靠性。
According to the features of uplink-signal, the parameters such as the quantity of transmitting information, carrier frequency, demodulation scheme, the rate of transmitting information and the transmission bandwidth will be determined. 根据上行链路信号特点可确定该应答器的传输信息量、载波频率、解调方案、信息传输速率和传输带宽等参数。
40Gbit/ s system, which has higher transmission rate and better flexibility, is the ideal choice to satisfy the requirement of increasing information transmission quantity. 40Gbit/s高速光传输系统具有更高的传输速率和更强的网络灵活性,是满足信息传输量增长需求的理想选择。